16 bit DWG in double wide M Module format for use with C&H's VX405c M Modules carrier. MA202 supports single and...
M-Module Products
The MA203 selectively stores and buffers up to 32k time-value pairs (31 bit time tag) when selected inputs change.... |
A fully programmable, 50MHz pulse generator that allows the generation of precisely timed pulses of programmable... |
The EM405-8 easily interfaces up to eight (8) VITA 12-1996 standard M-Modules to a typical Ethernet (LAN) network.... |
A 64 Channel input module that samples and selectively stores up to 64 bits of data along with 31 bit time tags at rates... |
A 128 Channel input module that samples and selectively stores up to 64 bits of data along with 31 bit time tage at rates... |
The VX406C is an intelligent VXI carrier that supports four industry standard M-Modules and one PMC module. It has an on-... |
The AM102 is a plug-in programmable anti-aliasing filter for MA200 with 6-pole Sallen-Key Butterworth Filter with 8... |
The AM104 plug in options for MA203 provide for optocoupled +5V input. 16 channels per module. |
The AM105 M-Module Extender board eases the M-Module development cycle by providing easy access to the M-Module interface... |
The AMi2001 M-Module Carrier for PCI bus features a compact high-performance PCI bus gateway to the M-Module interface.... |
The AMi3000 M-Module Carrier for Compact PCI (cPCI) bus features a compact high-performance PCI bus gateway to the M-... |